Garden Group Newsletter March 2024
The recent heavy rainfall and strong winds have been challenging but the garden has remained in good condition over the winter.
The new yews in the hedge are now well established. Further planting will be necessary as the honey fungus endemic on the Heath continues to spread. The pots with skimmia, dark red cyclamen, white pansies and trailing ivy have mostly survived well. The daffodils planted in the pots for spring colour are already in bloom.
Gravel Crescent behind Block B:
This is an area where it has proven impossible to grow grass due to the level of shade. In the spring of 2024 the gravel will be repurposed and a bed of shade tolerant plants will be installed. It is felt that this will be more in keeping with the natural look of the garden and the bed will be similar in form to the beds by the car park hedge.
Wooden fence beside the laurel hedge bordering the car park and garden:
This fence is now past its useful life and would likely need to be replaced at the time of the car park resurfacing, which is expected in the next twelve months. After discussing this area with our gardener we propose to grow out the laurel hedge on the car park side and replace only the gates in due course, probably with lockable metal gates. The existing fence will be removed and the hedge will be under planted with additional laurel shrubs in the spring of 2024. A wire fence will also be fitted on the car park side for security purposes and the wooden gates will remain in place for now. It will take a few years for the hedge to reach full growth. The Garden Group feels that this is a more biodiverse and a ‘greening’ solution for this area as there is already so much hard surface in the car park. Georgia Solaja will advise you when this work is to be carried out, as cars will not be able to park by the fence while the work is carried out (expected duration 3-4 days).
The Garden Group hopes that you will take every opportunity the weather allows to enjoy the garden in 2024.